Official Travel Time Across the United States is 6 Days 8 Hours 21 Minutes

28 August, 2011

Home On The Range

We Made It!

This is for you Wayne

WooHoo....We're gettin' closa'

Say good bye to the freeway!!!!
The boys finally made it to North Carolina. We were definitely blessed  with our truck getting us here and nothing happening with the trailer. We had a blast and created great memories in the process.

27 August, 2011

History and Highway

There was a branch of the Federal Reserve across the street from our Memphis hotel.

This was next to what looked like a double chapel stake center

The temples look alike. This is the way the Fresno temple looks

Even another reason to be in scouts

These are my two little stars. This was the back entrance to Opryland.

These next pictures are of the huge shopping garden inside the hotel.

This is one of my favorites!!!

This is a karaoke stage complete with a jumbotron screen at the pool.

The walk through the garden could be very romantic

They were dying to splash each other

There were two of these on the entrance to the Opry House.

Can you imagine how many great artists have passed through these doors?

Random sign
Today we headed toward the Memphis temple on the way out of town. We then hit the Nashville temple and the Grand Ole Opry. Before heading east.

26 August, 2011

On The Road Again....(music playing)

This was one of the jails at Fort Smith

Courtroom where they sentenced people to hang

The boys were trying to get this baby to fire

Let's get these supplies to the troops

Supply Room

Imagine the activity back in 1870

I forgot what this is called. But it is where they do the hangin'

I was going through the Ozarks!!

London Baby!!!  Or as Joey would say, "London...."

Which way do I go?

The buildings out here have great character. This is now a Pentecostal Church.

Either I am bored or anxious

Memphis has a pyramid like Vegas

Memphis Skyline (that is where we played in the Mississippi River)

Oh, I am sooooo excited!!!

Home of the Grizzlies

These are the trollies we rode in

Notice the awesome truck in the background

Once again, .....awesome

View of the city from our room. If the convention center wasn't there on the right, you could see the river.

B hangin on.......kind of scaring looking.

Mr C getting some of the action

This is Beale St. where we ate dinner

No this is not where we ate dinner

This was my dinner. Gater -n- Crawfish

This is where we ate
Today we traveled a lot. We went across Arkansas in one day. We left Oklahoma City and ended in Memphis Tennessee. On the way, I found this old fort that was used to "calm the indians" during the Civil War. So we went and checked that out. The boys had a blast. Then when we got into Memphis, we went down by the Mississippi River and played a little. I couldn't believe I was there. I always read about it in the text books. Now I am really here.

25 August, 2011

Brickyard here we come

They had a game going on at the baseball field

I wanted to go in and check it out, however, they were not serving kids today. The warning signs basically says you may get wet, humiliated, talked about, persuaded, and anything else the coyotes want to do.

Why is it that CA doesn't have cool stuff like this?

They had about ten of these around the restaurant

I definately have had my beef alotement

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

Look at the blur, he didn't even want to stop for a picture
After our visit with the family, we went back to OK City to find a place to eat and sleep. Everything in that immediate area was sold out. So I just decided to get something to eat and then travel a bit to find a hotel.