Official Travel Time Across the United States is 6 Days 8 Hours 21 Minutes

25 August, 2011

Brickyard here we come

They had a game going on at the baseball field

I wanted to go in and check it out, however, they were not serving kids today. The warning signs basically says you may get wet, humiliated, talked about, persuaded, and anything else the coyotes want to do.

Why is it that CA doesn't have cool stuff like this?

They had about ten of these around the restaurant

I definately have had my beef alotement

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

Look at the blur, he didn't even want to stop for a picture
After our visit with the family, we went back to OK City to find a place to eat and sleep. Everything in that immediate area was sold out. So I just decided to get something to eat and then travel a bit to find a hotel.

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